Monday 22 March 2010

Should UFOs be taught in schools? By Kristian

Should UFOs be taught in schools?
We don't know if UFOs be taught in schools because they are probably a joke.Here are what children think this is Liam aged 9 he said "I think that they shouldn't because there not real" and this is what Fred aged 10 said "I think we should because even if there not real it still would be fun" what should we do.

UFOs locations to see them=Scotland,England,America,Indiana,Paris,Tennessee,Greater Manchester,Huntington but the best place to see UFOs is Scotland.

What does UFO stand for?
UFO stands for

Yes because there are signs of aliens life, they might be something like space bugs instead of big scary aliens.

No because kids will get nightmares and not want to go to school.

I think we should teach UFOs in school because the information might be important in the near future and if the child's parents don't want to they don't have to.

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