Monday, 22 March 2010

Should UFOs be taught in schools? by Emma

A UFO is a strange flying object which people say aliens fly these things. wen are trying to decide whether or not we should teach children about UFOs.
What have people seen?
People say different things . Some people are against it but some people are with it. The people with it say that there are large circles in there fields and with only a few crops that have been cut down.

People haven't seen them actually on the ground but they say they have seen them in the sky but it was only them and no one else has seen them at the same time.
What have people heard?
People have also say that they have heard vibrating and other strange noises.
What are UFOs?
A UFO comes in many different shapes and sizes. they fly very high in the sky and people say that they have red and orange lights coming from the bottom and they have see through top.
So are they real
UFOs are not real but they should be taught in schools because children need to know what is going on out there.

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